Team Acid

See below for side notes
New Works (2005+)
Last Ride - Chris
Long Farewell - Chris June 15, 2005
Hot Summer Night - Chris June 16, 2005
Razor - Chris June 23, 2005
Jealousy - Chris June 26, 2005
Three Hours - Chris August 28, 2005
No Goodbye - Chris September 8, 2005
Just Awaken - Chris October 30, 2005
Cutlass - Chris November 11, 2005
End of a Dream - Chris November 20, 2005
Old Works (Prior 2005)
Hours - Chris & Jacob
SCFF - Chris & Jacob
Drachesuche - Chris
The Adventures of Sparky and Natalie - Ed1 Ep1* - Chris
The Adventures of Sparky and Natalie - Ed1 Ep2* - Chris
The Adventures of Sparky and Natalie - Ed1 Ep3* - Chris
The Adventures of Sparky and Natalie - Ed1 Ep4* - Chris
The Adventures of Sparky and Natalie - Ed1 Ep5* - Chris
The Adventures of Sparky and Natalie - Ed2 Ep1* - Chris
Leviton ch1 - Chris
Leviton ch2 - Chris
Leviton ch4 - Chris
Leviton ch5 - Chris
Anton - Chris
Rising Time - Chris
Aquarius - Jacob
Aquarius II - Jacob
Diaries of a Madman - Jacob
The Last Casualty - Jacob
Those that are in Bold are personal favorites, those with an * are for the more mature to read.