Sparky and Natalie Ed.2 ep.1 :~ Four gnomes wander in the ceilings of a house, carryign with them a large battering ram side diameter of three soda cans. The gnome in front listens to the bottom of the ceiling, then looks up at the others, "Alright, right here shoudl do, lads." They cut a hole out in the ceiling, large enough for the battering ram to fit through and then some. All of the gnomes' names were Sparky, (Sparky I, Sparky II, Sparky III, Sparky IV). The lead gnome, Sparky I, looks down into the whole, and whispers to the others, "There she is, lads, asleep in bed nekid." Below them lay Natalie, over her covers, completley naked, on her back, some saw dust on her from the gnomes cutting a whole in the ceiling. The gnomes take the battering ram, fit it through the whole, and push it hard down to Natalie, aiming it right into her pussy. She jumps awake with a yelp, seeing the battering ram right into her pussy. Down the battering ram slide two gnomes, Sparky I and Sparky II, whilst Sparky III & IV stay up, movign the battering ram back and forth. Sparky I rips off his pants and starts fucking Natalie in teh ear with his small dick, whilst Sparky II ties her legs and arms to the bed posts, amd her head down onto the bed itself. Sparky II then sticks his dick and fucks Natalie through her navel. Natalie's mother, Patty, comes in, and is apalled. Sparky III whips out his bow and arrows-shaped-likes-penises. He fletches an arrow onto his bow and shoots it right into Patty's mouth, she flies back into the wall behind her. Sparky II jumps ontop of Natalie's dresser and opens the drawer, and starts smelling her panties and bras, swimign around in the drawer of them. ~: Short, I know, but, ehh ...